【V690 Coffee Paper Cup Lid - Bronze Gold】90mm Diameter Sip-through Hole - 1000 pcs per box / 50 pcs per package

Price in reward points: 96000 Price drop reminder
  • Product Code: RI90035
  • Reward Points: 960
  • Availability: In stock
Tags:: RI90035

Tailor-made for paper cup (not for plastic cups)

流星金 90口徑  古銅金 獨家專利設計 加大飲口 防漏蒸氣孔 咖啡杯蓋 有掀蓋 就口蓋 免吸管 塑膠杯蓋 熱飲打包杯蓋 防漏 耐熱 耐高溫 凸蓋 扣式 上掀 可插吸管 推式 專用蓋 拿鐵 熱飲 就口喝 PP杯蓋 

Serial Number RI90035
Size 90 mm diameter
Quantity 1000 pcs per box
Package 50 pcs per package *20 packages
Material PP
Color Bronze gold

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